We attach maximum importance to transparent and honest cooperation with our customers.
It is no secret that private equity investments carry a high risk. We help you consider all possible courses of your investment and make the best possible decision for you. Every company is different and so are the risks associated with an investment. We take this diversity into account in our consulting services and support you in identifying and evaluating the risks relevant to you.
We bear a great responsibility and accordingly work in compliance with the highest standards. For a good client relationship, a truthful, competent and unbiased presentation of opportunities as well as risks is fundamental - exactly this advice is offered by Schwarzhorn Capital AG.
We have excellent experience in private equity and successfully mediate investors and companies. Contact us for further information or a detailed consultation.
Head office
Graben 5
6300 Zug
Branch office
Sonneggstr. 88
8006 Zürich
You are welcome to contact us by phone, email or via the contact form.